Sitting in the barn, "Missy" and I, looking out at Mr. Moon after the rainstorm instead of going for our usual walk in his light. We'll relax in our own company and ponder what's out there. Whatever we want to know is available here as much as is available out there.
What is Mr. Moon's message for us tonight?
Let's listen! I will write and share. It's been almost a year since I last posted here - I have to say I read all of my posts and not much has changed in a year! It seems I'm in the same place with my situation on Facebook - curious that people are mostly falling away as are friends in my life. We miss "Sammy," our last adopted kitty. Due to our age and the way we have to live during Covid 19, life is more difficult and health issues are upon us as no one is exempt from age and what comes with it. I remember something Deepak Chopra said. He told a story about how he was asked if we all will look like the decrepit one he saw who must have been close to 100 years old. Deepak's response was, "Yes, we will all look like that If we live long enough." I'll always remember that especially when I look in the mirror. :) We could also look at it as how lucky we are to have lived this long to look as old as we are - many don't have that luxury.
Since I'm off the track, I must have needed to say what my soul wanted to say, and so the above is what it is. Now I will let a message from Mr. Moon take over...I'm sure he doesn't mind or need to talk about how old he is and what he looks like...or might that be his message? Let's see. :)
"Hello and good beautiful evening to my friends. I see you are in view but not out for your nightly walk. I shine my light on everything in my sight and though inside your cozy barn my light still squeezes through the open doors and am in your view. I am not here to share a deep talk about what's happening on Earth right now - you are already aware. I would rather see more positive things appear in your lives and not focus on living amid darkness. You have each other. You love each other. Not everyone has devotion and as much love in their lives as you do. There are forces in action all around you. Some have trouble coping with these forces so my hope is to keep shining my light and that when you look at it as often as possible, set your thoughts on what is in your power and control and leave what is not alone to do its thing. Enjoy what brings happiness to your existence. Like the forks on the path you travel, there will be forks on new and creative paths you will be focusing on, but just walk easily around any obstacles along the path you choose to take at any giving time. Remember you are with your best friend and your thoughts and moments of soul searching are there when you want them to tap you on the shoulder as a reminder to open your heart and listen. It is time to act on your ideas and to follow your happiness. You know when you are happy. Take notice of what you are doing at these times. That's all you have to what makes you feel at peace and how you look forward to being in step with nature. Nothing is forced when you are in step with your soul. If you stray off course you will feel it and quickly find your way to where you were when you felt happiness and peace. Nothing else matters or is called for but knowing and being aware of how you feel at any given time. It is always my pleasure to be your guide even when you don't need my light to show you the way. Enjoy your togetherness as night lends its way to rest."
written by
Nancy Shewchuk
(all rights reserved)
painting by
Deanna Daffodil Williams
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