Thursday, October 31, 2019

Friday, August 23, 2019

Missing You Through Stormy Weather

Hello, Dear Moon,
I know we haven't seen you much this week as you have been hidden by all the stormy weather!  We will come out for a walk tonight as we have missed our nightly journeys under your shining light. 
Our walks helps clear my mind of daily thoughts about current events on Earth. It must be wonderful to be you!
I am glad we have you watching over us lighting our way in these tumultuous times. Life is unsure as we read newspapers and watch the news on television every day to find that tragedy hits us all over the world and is becoming more usual than not.
Guide the ones who need more light in their lives and to make good decisions for themselves, their community, their country, and eventually, the world.
On our way, "Missy" and I walk along the path before us - our old friend still here waiting for the marks we make along the way to who knows where. There are many crooks along the woodland path we take, and knowing that you come with us every step of the way is so comforting! :) 
Till nightfall...

written by
Nancy Shewchuk
(all rights reserved)
painting by
Deanna Daffodil Williams

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Blue Moon - Elvis Presley

"Missy" and I walking under the moon remembering Elvis and missing him. A day late with this post that he left us on August 16th in 1977 - we still have his music. Rest in Peace beloved Elvis.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


I do need to be free of some people. 
When someone says things that make me feel badly or if people tell me I'm wrong about what I say and post in my space, no less, then I have to say, "good-bye" because I don't want to feel that way again. Does that answer your question? I especially don't want friends to treat me that way and so they are no longer friends.

 I am quite fond of my walks with "Missy" under Mr. Moon...they are my loyal friends and that's where I belong - with loyal friends and no less. Not all friends are loyal, but they should be if they are to be called friends, but there are many kinds of friendships. I have always had the habit of considering all friends, close friends. The kind who you give gifts to and are open with and can talk about anything with. I was told by one friend that I grew up in church with that she no longer wanted to exchange gifts. That hurt. She is so busy that I feel like I'm disturbing her peace and time that I don't know when to write to her except for birthdays and Christmas. I doubt you're reading this but if you are you know who you are, and so that's why I didn't send you a gift for baby when your grandchild was born. You said, "no gifts!" 

These letters remind me of my friend half way around the world and he knows who he is. He will always remain in my heart but he doesn't keep in touch the way we used to when we were young. We have different lives and I don't really know what we have in common anymore. I think he would write again if he wanted to but he doesn't, so there you go.

My very old friend and first employer after I was married when my husband was in the military, still keeps in touch with us - always sends birthday and Christmas cards, but through the years when he used to write letters, it was discovered that he's a racist. He uses the "N" word and likes Trump! Why would I have a friend who thinks that way - I wouldn't, yet he's still in our life, but he doesn't talk about those things or uses those words anymore to me. I had my say to him a long time ago so he watches what he says, but I doubt he has changed who he is. He lives in the mid-west so he doesn't come around. 

Looks like this is turning out to be about friends! :) I can't say much more because it isn't for all to know, but I have a couple more who are long-time friends who I still keep in touch with and exchange gifts with and hope that they remain in my life for the remainder of time we all have left. this! :)

Anyway, I am free to be to say what I want. I have just left Facebook and am going to spend my time here talking/writing anything and everything I want. I will just check FB for birthdays and for any communication I may get from my old friend from 3rd grade. No one else I consider a "real" friend exists there except one who doesn't go there anymore. 
There is one I would consider a friend again if she felt the same way. From the southwestern US I really liked her and something happened one day when an Irish troublemaker came between us and she was so kind to me but started going on and on about things that made no sense to what I was posting about and she took offense to what I said in the moment and this other one in the mix - things got messed up and she let me go.  Facebook is a means to a lot of trouble.

 I am safe here because I don't have to read complaints about what I write. 
Ha...I'm shaking my did I get here? I know...I grew to where I am and I'm being true to who I am. Mr. Moon is my loyal friend and  "Missy," of course, goes without saying! On we go into the night with our friend showing us the way with his light. 

written by
Nancy Shewchuk
(all rights reserved)
painting by
Deanna Daffodil Williams

Monday, August 12, 2019

My Escape Route

This is my escape route from social media! :) What a funny thing. People post sayings and quotes that say silence is better than speaking your truth after it says to speak your truth. People like to disagree with what you say when you speak your truth so posting on Facebook is a double-edged sword. I am with my "Missy" visiting the moon who is waiting for us to have a conversation. I can say anything I want to moon without being beat down for speaking my mind on my own Facebook page. People can comment here, too, but they don't usually, and especially there are no immediate reactions or comments. 

This is a better place for me and so I am going to spend more time here under the moon than at my computer speaking my mind on Facebook where others are ready to jump on my words. "Missy" loves to hear me talk, and moon smiles because he knows what any of us say is so small in the large scheme of things in the Universe that he's here to remind me to walk slowly, one step at a time in silence, except for the sounds of the night and the wind whooshing through the trees.

 People post sayings about Peace, which is wonderful. They are preaching to the choir because most or all of the people seeing these posts are already peaceful or also post about's the people who are not of their tribes who may get something new from reading what they post. They think they are being silent posting someone else's words than speaking their truth in their own words. I don't get it - I don't get people. It's time to keep some distance from them. I guess that's why people write books. They can write and say what they want and if people want to read what they write they buy their book. If they dislike what they read, oh well, too bad, they can write to the author and speak their grievances. And even though I may post my blog posts on Facebook I won't be spending time there and will not go back and forth arguing and defending my words and opinions. 

Geeze...I am tired of being put down when I speak my truth. Dear moon, what do you have to say to those people on Facebook who disagree with my words and make me feel as though I am wrong for writing them. How can I be wrong - they are my words? 

"No one can create what is yours. 
They see the world differently than you and differently than all others.
People express how they feel in different ways than everyone else. 
Stay with your own kind. 
The moment you discover someone is not your friend and speaks as though you don't know what you are saying, that one isn't your kind. 
Take time to release frustrations others dump into your space. 
Explain nothing.
You are writing for yourself.
People can read what you write but you, from this point on, will not respond to any comments. It is your right to express yourself. It is other's rights to respond to your words, if they want, but not your place to counter-comment in any way. You are now free to be.
No one has the right to tell you how to feel. No one has the right to correct you, for people who think they are more right than you are self-centered and put much importance on themselves and it causes resentment.

Take a deep breath, my friend. Give "Missy" a pat on the neck for me. Today will be a distant memory and you will be on your way to a more serene time. can always hit the "delete" button!"  :)

written by
Nancy Shewchuk
(all rights reserved)
painting by
Deanna Daffodil Williams

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Choose Your Direction - Walk Your Own Path

Take me where no one has roamed before. Then it must have been us that made this path or someone else had to make it. So we have to walk in tall grass if we want to go where no one else has been. And when our new path is worn clean we will not know if others have used it while we were away. So we keep making new paths just for us but to get to the new ones we have to cross the old worn ones. It is the way life is supposed to be. To walk different paths to see where they take us, but to forge ahead into the unknown so we can find ones we like walking better. And when the one we like best becomes very worn, we walk along side it still going in the same direction but not wearing out the ground beneath our feet. Should we meet a boulder along the path that we like the best and cannot go either side of it, we will tread gently back to the old worn out path until we pass by the boulder and can tread into the tall grass either side of the worn out path. It is what we strive for - the right path, but eventually it gets worn and even though you want to travel along side it you are going in the same direction, and that is what's important - to find the direction you want to go in and don't worry about moving the path when you feel that the old one is too hard to travel. Many are going in the same direction we are and it's alright to walk along side others. But there are many lanes on the interstate with many going in the same direction but should we want to take the scenic route we get off the interstate and find a less traveled road that goes the same way as the many travel. Do all roads lead to the same destination? They do if you're going in the same direction. If you turn off the road then you are changing directions and you will see different things and have different experiences. This is life. There are different directions to travel and some you will like better than others. Sometimes you will go back to a particular road and direction because it feels right. That's how you know if that path is for you and will get you to the destination you are seeking. How does it feel? You will know the path that is right for you by how it feels when you walk it. And no matter where you are going, the moon lights your path because it is impartial to what path you want to travel. It lights all paths unless you find that you have traveled onto one that is darkened from the moonlight. You don't want to go into the darkness without the moon to guide you. Beware. You have to be able to see where you put one foot in front of the other or you are walking blindly. You will get lost. You will be frightened because you cannot see. That is also life. We blaze new paths where we are guided by light. 

written by
Nancy Shewchuk
(all rights reserved)
painting by
Deanna Daffodil Williams

Friday, July 26, 2019

I'm Going for a Walk

I'm going for a long walk and don't know when I'll be back - the moon knows the way home.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

I Walk My Path

I walk my path.
Alone doesn't mean lonely,
I have myself -
I'm with my best friend.
I have the stars to remind me
From where I came
And the moon 
Lighting my way.
I listen to the night -
Peace surrounds me
And fills my soul.

 written by
Nancy Shewchuk
(all rights reserved)
painting by 
Deanna Daffodil Williams

I Was Sent to Earth

Was I sent to earth
To learn about God,
Or was I sent to Earth
Because I already 
Knew about God?

written by
Nancy Shewchuk
(all rights reserved)
painting by
Deanna Daffodil Williams

Wish Upon the Moon

Wish upon the moon.
All is calm...
All is bright...
On Earth
As it is in Heaven
Forever and ever.

written by
Nancy Shewchuk
(all rights reserved)
painting by
Deanna Daffodil Williams